HE opens national blue plaque scheme for public now to make a nomination: to 28/07

image: HE

Historic England (HE) has announced that the national blue plaque scheme is now open for public nominations, with a 2024 deadline of Sunday 28 July.

… seeking nominations of people from all walks of life, throughout history…

HE writes:

This is your opportunity to suggest someone you feel should be honoured with a national blue plaque. The scheme is open for nominations from across England (excluding Greater London, as English Heritage run the blue plaque scheme in the capital). The 2024 deadline for nominations is 23:59 on Sunday 28 July. We will not be able to accept any nominations after this date.

Who to nominate

We are looking for nominations for people who have made an exceptional impact in their field, community or wider society. They do not have to be famous or currently well-known, but they do need to fit with our overall aims and criteria for the scheme. The key criteria include:

  • At least 20 years must have passed since the candidate’s death
  • They must have made a significant contribution to human welfare or happiness; and/or to have made an exceptional impact in their field, community or on society at large
  • At least 1 building in England associated with the figure must survive in a form that the commemorated person would have recognised, and it must be visible from the public highway

We are seeking nominations of people from all walks of life, throughout history. Your nomination could help raise the profile of individuals who have achieved great things and deserve to be better known.

To submit your nomination, please read the full eligibility criteria and guidance notes and then complete the online form….

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