IHBC’s Practice & Technology Signpost: Designing Buildings republishes CIOB’s ‘Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment’

Designing Buildings (DB) has published the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) paper on ‘Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment’.

DB/CIOB write:

The built environment is one of the largest emitters of carbon dioxide globally therefore reducing both operational and embodied emissions is critical to improving the overall footprint of the industry. This is a practical guide suitable for a wide audience of built environment professionals who need to deepen their knowledge of this crucial topic.

This guide outlines what embodied carbon is and why is it important, detailing the regulatory context along with relevant models and standards. It explains approaches to calculating embodied carbon including what information you need and where to get it and highlights the importance of engaging the supply chain, including the role of clients and the use of clauses, to propel requirements down the value chain. It explores how to use the outputs including benchmarking, target setting and practical strategies for reducing embodied carbon, as well as looking at the role of emerging technologies – such as advanced materials and construction methodologies, and artificial intelligence – and provides case studies from the UK and internationally.

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