DCMS publishes framework document for operation of NHMF from 2024-2027

The Department for Culture, Media, and Sports (DCMS) has published its framework document for the operation of the National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF) from 2024-2027, laying out the governance and funding structures of the NHMF, and its relevant duties in reporting to the government.

… The document does not convey any legal powers or responsibilities…

GOV.UK writes:

This framework document (the ‘framework document’) has been agreed between the department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF) in accordance with HM Treasury’s handbook Managing Public Money (‘MPM’) (as updated from time to time) and has been approved by HM Treasury.

The framework document sets out the broad governance framework within which the NHMF and the DCMS operate. It sets out the NHMF’s core responsibilities, describes the governance and accountability framework that applies between the roles of the DCMS and NHMF and sets out how the day-to-day relationship works in practice, including in relation to governance and financial matters. Nothing in this document shall prevent the NHMF from carrying out its legal duties under its founding legislation or under any other legislation which impacts on its functions, activities or powers. The expectations set out here sit alongside the NHMF’s statutory and charitable duties expected of staff and trustees. Any perceived conflicts should be brought to the attention of the DCMS to discuss an appropriate way forward.

The document does not convey any legal powers or responsibilities but both parties agree to operate within its terms. References to the NHMF include all its subsidiaries and joint ventures that are classified to the public sector and central government for national accounts purposes. If the NHMF establishes a subsidiary or joint venture, there shall be a document setting out the arrangements between it and the NHMF agreed with the DCMS.

Copies of the document and any subsequent amendments have been placed in the libraries of both Houses of Parliament and made available to members of the public on the NHMF’s website and on GOV.UK. This framework document should be reviewed and updated at least every 3 years unless there are exceptional reasons that render this inappropriate that have been agreed with HM Treasury and the Principal Accounting Officer (PAO) of the sponsor department. The latest date for review and updating of this document is April 2027. Any significant changes to the framework document during this period will be subject to written agreement between the DCMS and the NHMF.

Read more and download the document

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