UK Government publishes new paper which sets out the policy for apprenticeship funding in England, for new starts from 1 April 2024.
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GOV.UK writes:
This document sets out the policy for apprenticeship funding in England, for new starts from 1 April 2024.
You should read it alongside:
- the published funding bands for individual apprenticeship standards
- the apprenticeship funding rules that set out how this funding policy will work in practice and our expectations of employers and training providers
It is for:
- training providers who provide training for English apprenticeships
- organisations that provide end point assessment for English apprenticeships
- employers with a workforce in England
- individual apprentices
We fund apprenticeships using the apprenticeship funding rules in place on the date the apprenticeship started. This applies to all employers, both those who pay the apprenticeship levy and those who do not.
The exception to this are the funding rules relating to redundancy. The current apprenticeship funding rules, which describe the arrangements for any redundancy that occurs on or after 15 October 2020, will apply irrespective of the apprentice’s start date and will include existing learners who started their apprenticeship programme in previous funding years.