IHBC adds new ‘Climate Change and Adaptation’ category to HESPR practice areas: ‘… responding to climate change issues…’

The IHBC’s heritage business register HESPR – our Historic Environment Service Providers Recognition quality assurance scheme for commercial heritage services – now has the new practice area of ‘Climate Change Adaptation’, helping promote accredited members’ specialist skills and roles linked to retrofit and related works in older traditional and historic properties.

… appropriately qualified Members are available to assist clients in improving….energy efficiency….

The IHBC’s HESPR is a promotional service for businesses that work to conservation and service standards expected by the IHBC, with service areas for clients and other uses to search now covering

  • Historic Building Conservation
  • Conservation Planning
  • Architectural Design and new build in historic areas
  • Historical research
  • Historic area assessments
  • Project management
  • Archaeology
  • Climate change adaptation
  • Other

David McDonald ‘I am pleased to see that Climate Change Adaptation has been added to the list of relevant practice areas for HESPR Members.’

‘This not only shows that the IHBC is responding to climate change issues, but also sends out the message that appropriately qualified Members are available to assist clients in improving the energy efficiency of their historic properties by carefully balancing sustainability and significance’.

Chair of the IHBC’s Technical Panel, Professor John Edwards, said: ‘All buildings require some level of retrofit and it is important that it is tackled properly and that can only be done with the wright people involved.’

‘I therefore welcome the new retrofit category on the HESPR register to allow individuals and others to obtain the right retrofit expertise’.

The IHBC writes:

HESPR is responding to client demand to help tackle climate change, the impact this has on the historic environment and the work you might do to help. We are adding ‘climate change adaptation’ as a role HESPR companies might carry out.

If you believe that your company possesses appropriate specialist skills in ‘climate change adaptation’ please get in touch by email to have this additional skill added to your HESPR listing.  Please include the type of work in this category you have been involved in so we can get a picture of the work HESPR companies are undertaking.

See more on HESPR HERE

Download the HESPR flyer

For a free promotion of your tendering opportunities and work needs to the IHBC’s HESPR members, please send details and links to Joanna at contact@ihbc.org.uk, as soon as possible

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