The two IHBC Marsh Awards, developed in partnership with the Marsh Charitable Trust, celebrate ‘Community Contributions’ by retired IHBC members, as well as ‘Successful Learning’ in heritage-related skills, with £500 and free places at IHBC’s 2025 Annual School in Shrewsbury – #IHBCShrewsbury2025 – with presentations on June 13, and entries closing 31 March.
- The IHBC Marsh Award for Community Contribution (Retired Member) is offered to celebrate the contribution to the community by a retired IHBC member (e.g. through BPT involvement, neighbourhood planning, civic and local trusts with heritage interests).
Nominate for RETIRED IHBC
- IHBC Marsh Award for Successful Learning in Heritage Skills is designed to recognise the contribution to heritage of an individual for their significant learning in traditional building activities and craft skills.
‘IHBC President Mike Brown said: ‘Please do nominate someone deserving that you know, so they can be thanked and celebrated. I know it does take a little effort, but could make all the difference to someone’s life skills or cherished projects.’
‘And to nominate, all you need do is complete an easy-fill form’.
How to nominate
Visit the IHBC’s Marsh Awards website for full details and to complete the online form RETIRED or LEARNING, giving details of the nominee and covering the following points:
- a brief description of what the activities contributed to the sector and/or of the skills mastered (max 500 words)
- how the individual made a difference to the benefit of the historic environment and/ or community through these activities or skills.
- supporting information, such as a pictures, documents or website references relating to the nomination, which can be uploaded to the online form or included with the postal form.
If you are not able to complete an online application, you can download an application form in either Word or PDF from the website.
Then email the completed form to marshawards@ihbc.org.uk or post to Marsh Awards, IHBC, Jubilee House, High Street, Tisbury, Wiltshire SP3 6HA.
For full details visit the website
If you would like further guidance on your nomination please contact Sarah Harris at support@ihbc.org.uk or Michael Netter at services@ihbc.org.uk.
For the IHBC’s 2025 Shrewsbury School – #IHBCShrewsbury2025 – see shrewsbury2025.ihbc.org.uk. For background see the IHBC’s 2024 Reading School – #IHBCReading2024 – see reading2024.ihbc.org.uk
See more on the IHBC’s Annual Schools
IHBC Marsh Awards are supported by the IHBC’s CREATIVE Conservation Fund
See more background on the 2024 Marsh Award winners at: