All categories of IHBC members – Supporters, Affiliates, Associates and Full Members – are invited to join the IHBC’s next Council from 2pm on 30 March, to take a first look at chartering the IHBC, its benefits and challenges, starting with the first step, the petition for a charter.
IHBC Council online attendance, Thursday 30 March, 2pm
Members unable to attend will have access to
event recordings and resources in the following weeks
Council charter discussion in outline:
Alongside the formal business the discussions and presentations encompass:
- Background to a petition for charter for the IHBC
- The landscape of chartering, as consultant David Williams reports on progress to date in data-gathering research across other bodies with experience of Charter routes and impacts
- Planned and prospective steps in exploring chartering interests and issues across our members and networks
- Ask questions and join in the discussions.
IHBC President Mike Brown reports, ‘After much chat and discussion over recent years with members attending various sector meetings, our annual schools, training events and just sitting in bars, the IHBC Board believes the time is now right in this, the 25th year of our existence as an institute, for us to begin the formal debate about how best we can grow and progress, where our future lies and what form it should take. This is your institute and any decision about its future must reflect your needs and wishes as a heritage professional.’
‘Petitioning to become a chartered body is, for many, the obvious next step but it does require a full, informed and careful assessment of the processes, the costs and benefits and the pros and cons before we take any formal decision. To that end, the Board has commissioned a consultant to prepare a thorough analysis of what is entailed that draws on the experience of other similar professional bodies that are already chartered – or have recently undertaken the journey towards a charter – and their candid assessment of the outcome. We hope this research and evidence base will ensure an informed debate with you, the IHBC members and those preparing for associate or full membership, such that the institute evolves in a way that best exploits our position in the market, maximises our presence in the cultural and heritage world and properly reflects the wishes of you, the membership.’
‘That journey begins at the next Council meeting on Thursday 30 March at 2pm. The keynote agenda item will be a presentation of the initial report by consultant David Williams followed by an open Question Time when you will have the first of many opportunities to ask questions about it. An ‘open mic’ session, the panel will include David McDonald, IHBC Chair, together with other representatives of the Board and the National Office. As we take these first tentative steps I cannot guarantee they will know all the answers, but your questions will be taken away and properly analysed and responded to.’
‘This is your opportunity to help shape the future of the IHBC.’
‘Do join us.’
‘We will also be holding our first election under our new Articles for the role of Vice President and Council Vice Chair – as reported here – and hearing about recent consultation responses from the IHBC to various Bills and initiatives from the Home governments’.
IHBC Council, 30 March 2023: CPD Statement
IHBC Council meetings support member learning and engagement with our governance and services.
This first Council of 2023 will help delegates understand better the process and values of the unique regulatory process of a Royal Charter, including prospective impacts on the IHBC as a charity and professional body. It will underpin particularly the ‘Professional’ Area of Competence in the IHBC’s Conservation Cycle, and the IHBC’s Competences of ‘Professional’ and ‘Practice’.
See more on the IHBC’s Council and its role in our governance HERE
See more on IHBC CPD HERE and on the IHBC NewsBlog news service HERE
See more on the Charter process by following the links on the website of the Privy Council Office
See Government and The Charity Commission advice on charities and charters