‘There aren’t enough of us out there’ and ‘we can’t find people with the right combination of specialist knowledge and practical skills’ are fairly typical comments emanating from the group of professionals engaged in the analysis and recording of historic buildings and areas. But to what extent is this actually the case? New research being carried out by Atkins for English Heritage (with the support of Historic Scotland) will chart the health of the various specialisms engaged in ‘buildings history’ in the UK – principally applied architectural history, buildings history and buildings archaeology – providing baseline information on the current and likely future levels of activity in this area. The research will provide a basis for the development of training programmes in response to anticipated growth in this part of the heritage sector arising from reforms to heritage protection legislation and the planning system in England and Wales.
Questionnaires are being sent to practitioners, heritage bodies and training providers, and the results of the survey will be available in early 2008. For more information on the project please contact one of the following English Heritage staff: John Cattell, Chief Buildings Historian (john.cattell@english-heritage.org.uk) or Robert Hook, Head of Training and Standards (bob.hook@english-heritage.org.uk). The questionnaires can be downloaded from 9th October 2007 by clicking here and choosing the Buildings History Survey option. The closing date for responses is 9 November 2007. Your help with this important initiative will be greatly appreciated.
Published to site: 5th October 2007