Today CABE Space is launching a new design skills scholarships programme. We’d like to ask you to help us spread the word about this unique opportunity. CABE Space believes that good design should be at the heart of our public realm – our streets and highways, parks and green spaces and public squares and neighbourhoods. But many people working to shape these public spaces don’t receive any formal design training. CABE Space wants to change this. We want to offer professionals working in these fields – from highways engineers and planning officers to park workers, access officers, leisure and amenity officers and regeneration professionals – the chance to travel to gain greater understanding of design. The CABE Space design skills scholarship programme offers grants to fund a work or study trip to places where design is central to the creation and management of public space. We are looking for people without formal design training who can use this experience to help bring good design to their own work and to inspire others in their field. Applications for the scholarships are now open and details are available at
The closing date is 30th November.
The scholarships are not open to CABE staff, enablers, commissioners or regional representatives, but we’d like to ask if you will support the programme by helping us to encourage individuals to apply. We hope you can help spread the word.