IHBC HESPR’s ‘News from the Sector’: Dezeen signposts the 25 most significant 21st century buildings… so far, starting with the Tate Modern

IHBC’s heritage business register HESPR – our Historic Environment Service Providers Recognition quality assurance scheme for heritage services – emails members weekly ‘News and Tender Alerts’, and this week features Dezeen on’The 25 most significant buildings of the 21st century so far’.



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Dezeen writes:

‘Over the next 25 days we will feature the 25 buildings that had the most impact on architecture from the first quarter of the 21st century.’

Dezeen will select one building from each year – starting with ‘Tate Modern’ for 2000.

Throughout January it will list the other 24…

Read more….

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For a free promotion of your tendering opportunities and work needs to the IHBC’s HESPR members, please send details and links to Joanna at contact@ihbc.org.uk, as soon as possible.

Tenders can also be advertised for a fee with IHBC Jobs etc, including a targeted email to 2500+ recipients as well as full coverage on our NewsBlog alerts and social platforms (membership and followers c.25,000) and websites with c. 250,000 visits a month. Contact Joanna at contact@ihbc.org.uk

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