IHBC’s first ‘CPD Circular’ for 2025: For cost-conscious and time-sensitive conservation learning… events, awards, calls and more (with pictures & review too!)

IHBC’s new CPD Circular offers our current listing of accessible, cost-effective ‘Continuing Professional Development’ (CPD) opportunities for historic and built environment conservation professionals and their networks, with the usual range of Branch and network events, publications, awards and more.

Sign up for IHBC’s free CDP Resources

Sign up for IHBC’s free CDP Resources

The IHBC writes:

As we say farewell to 2024, and welcome a brand-new year, we would like to take this opportunity to look back at the wealth of CPD events and training on offer over the last year. These events are not just about developing our knowledge and skills, but they are also about forging new connections and expanding our network.

Over the last 12 months, we have shared a wide variety of events on a whole host of different topics and from all around the world, ranging from free online webinars to in person training and conferences serving members across the UK and beyond.

These events have included many IHBC branch events as well as those hosted by our Recognised CPD Providers and the wider heritage sector. As we move into 2025 we look forward to a whole new series of events, and celebrating the recognised providers who make them possible, through the CPD Circular.

In this issue, we would like to congratulate all our Branches for hosting a variety of informative and enjoyable events over the last 12 months, and extend our thanks to the Branch volunteers and committee members who give their time and effort to bring these events together.

One such event was the IHBC South West CPD training event on Conservation Engineering, hosted at The Pattern Church in Swindon at the beginning of December. The training was delivered by conservation accredited structural engineer Ian Hume, as part of the CPD Branch Partnership scheme. This sell-out event was attended by over 90 delegates and, judging by the positive comments on social media following the event, it was a resounding success; with one delegate stating that ‘It was a very enjoyable and useful day. I would highly recommend to anyone’.

This is just one of the many wonderful events hosted by our IHBC regional branches over the last year, and we are excited to share more news and updates over the coming months.

But for now, a very happy new year to all.

IHBC National & Branch Events

27 Jan IHBC Scotland – Branch AGM Glasgow
25 Feb IHBC Yorkshire Branch – Review of Historic Building Legislation by Charles Mynors York

Research Publications, Guidance Notes, & Calls for Papers

Awards, Placements, Bursaries & Scholarships, and Calls for Papers:

Full Contents include:

  • Introduction
  • IHBC National & Branch Events
  • IHBC Recognised CPD Providers Events
  • Network Events
  • Research Publications, Guidance Notes, & Calls for Papers
  • Awards, Placements, Bursaries, & Scholarships

View the January 2025 CPD Circular

Sign up for your CPD Circular HERE

See our Events Calendar

See more IHBC ‘CPD and Learning’ QUICK LINKS

See more on the IHBC’s MATE service supporting applicants seeking conservation accreditation from the IHBC

View the CPD Circular

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