IHBC looks ahead to 2025 No.18, featuring ‘Heritage from the (civic) doorstep’, with Stoke Newington Town Hall officially ‘at risk’ after being vacant ‘for many years’

image for illustration: Stoke Newington Town Hall by Tarquin Binary, CC BY-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons

A ‘government body’ – Historic England – has declared Hackney’s Stoke Newington Town Hall at risk of loss and in need of protection, reports Hackney Citizen.

Hackney Citizen writes:

On 14 November, the nearly 90-year-old, Grade II-listed building was placed on Historic England’s ‘Heritage At Risk’ register, joining the list of sites considered most in danger of ‘being lost as a result of neglect, decay or inappropriate development’. Despite extensive restoration… in 2009, the hall ‘has been largely vacant for many years…’.

Constructed between 1935 and 1937… Designed by J Reginald Truelove, its striking art deco architecture, domed chamber ceiling and vaulted galleries have since made it a popular wedding venue….

… a Hackney Council press officer… said: ‘… We’re currently renovating Stoke Newington Library… We hope this news will showcase the potential of the building…’

Read more….

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