Join the IHBC’s Council online on Wednesday 16 October at 4pm for Barrister Dr Charles Mynors on ‘Better legislation for the historic environment – lessons from Cardiff Bay’, open to IHBC members of all categories and free to attend.
REGISTER NOW to join IHBC’s next Council online, Wednesday 16 October, 4pm
The headline focus of the Council is a presentation by IHBC member and Barrister Dr Charles Mynors who will offer members his unique knowledge of the changes to legislation in Wales and how lessons might be learnt across the rest of the UK. Charles’s long-standing involvement in planning law reform resulted in an invitation to join the Law Commission in 2016, where he was the principal author of its Consultation Paper and Final Report on Planning Law in Wales and he has been working closely with the Welsh Government to produce a new suite of simplified planning legislation.
About Charles Mynors
Dr Charles Mynors is a Fellow of the RTPI and was a Fellow of the RICS; before being called to the Bar, he worked as a historic buildings officer in local government for almost a decade, and was a founder member of the ACO and the IHBC. He then practised as a planning barrister for 27 years, appearing in court and at inquiries – specialising in cases involving historic buildings and areas, trees, and village greens. He is now a bencher of the Middle Temple, following 20 years on its Estates Committee. He has written six editions of the leading textbook, Listed Buildings and Other Heritage Assets, most recently with Nigel Hewitson. Charles lectured on historic buildings law for many years at Oxford Brookes University and the University of Bath, and has given many talks and seminars for practitioners.
He has also written The Law of Trees, and Hedges (now in its third edition) and The Control of Outdoor Advertising and Graffiti. He is a distinguished ecclesiastical lawyer, and served as the Chancellor of the Diocese of Worcester from 1998 until 2020 he is the author of Changing Churches: A Guide to the Faculty System. He was recently elected as a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales.
IHBC Council
IHBC’s Council is the IHBC’s inclusive advisory and training body, open to all IHBC members. All members can join in shaping our activities and plans, as we widen further the involvement of our members in the IHBC’s future as well as offering training.
See more details on IHBC’s Council including previous minutes and content HERE
REGISTER NOW to join IHBC’s next Council online, Wednesday 16 October, 4pm