Housing and climate campaigners are occupying a house in south-east London in protest against its planned demolition and the ‘crime’ of leaving empty homes boarded up amid a housing crisis, reports the Morning Star.
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Morning Star writes:
Protesters from Radical Housing Network and other groups marched to the head office of ‘not-for profit’ housing association Peabody on Saturday before occupying the three-bedroom property on the Lesnes estate in Thamesmead. It was one of many Housing Rebellion protests that day…
Bill Perry of the network said that the protesters were demanding a ‘radically new approach’ to housing, one ‘for need, not greed,’ and ‘not a housing policy that focuses on privatising public land and housing to make profits for developers and property speculators.’..
… A Peabody spokesperson said its priority is to provide affordable housing and support local communities… ‘The regeneration of South Thamesmead is already seeing us deliver brand new social homes for hundreds of local people… ’