The IHBC’s Council, our inclusive advisory body with training at its heart, held its sixth online meeting on 27 February, with a busy agenda taking delegates views on next steps in the Institute’s exploration of a Charter, coming to our 2024 AGM on 30 April, as well as CPD on political engagement for heritage and the (surprise) launch of our School, #IHBCReading2024.
IHBC Chair David McDonald also announced the opening of the booking for the Institute’s 2024 Annual School, ‘Place & Building Care, Finance, policy & people in conservation practice’ which will take place online and, in person, in Reading 13-15 June, and centre on the stand-alone blended Day School on Friday 15 June.
See more on #IHBCReading2024, or simply secure your Virtual Day School place with event recording (from £30+VAT) HERE
Our CREATIVE Conservation Fund helps conservation people
The other main IHBC business of the afternoon was an update on the progress of the consultation leading towards the #IHBCpetitionforcharter and the plans for a linked Resolution seeking support for the next step in the exploration of a petition at the IHBC’s 2024 AGM on 30 April.
IHBC Chair David MacDonald described briefly the background of what a Royal Charter means, what the process leading to it is and why endorsement from other bodies in the sector is important. There was opportunity for questions and thoughts from Council on the Charter with a generally positive feeling from the members present to take this forward. Members are clearly interested to hear more about what the IHBC might be called should the petition be successful.
David McDonald then called for thoughts and queries from members present on the Consultation draft on the 2024 AGM Resolution which will now, with the agreement from Council, be presented to the AGM on 30th April. Here discussion focussed on issues that might arise with a charter, such as prospective titles or re-branding.
The standalone CPD element of the meeting was a compelling review by Ailsa Macfarlane, Director of the Built Environment Forum Scotland (BEFS), around ‘Getting the opportunity to ‘speak truth to power’ – engaging with the Scottish Government.’
BEFS is the ‘umbrella body for organisations working in the built environment in Scotland’, and Ailsa highlighted how it has built its relationships with government by being useful and making a positive offer; offering information, knowledge or connections, and not adding to noise around an issue, but cutting through the noise and adding clarity.
By providing regular and consistent responses to consultations, BEFS is seen as a trusted source of information. As such the priority is to focus on building positive long-term relationships with teams of civil servants who have better direct and long-term contact with politicians and are a stable focus with changing government postholders.
The next Council meeting will be held online on 11 July 2024 – with topical content to be finalised – so please put it in your diary to join in.
See more details on the IHBC’s Council HERE
See more on Built Environment Forum Scotland
See more on the IHBC’s 2024 AGM, 30 April, HERE