IHBC’s 2024 AGM: Early notice for your diary – 30 April, online from 5.30pm for 6.00pm AGM – exclusively for ALL IHBC member categories

The IHBC’s Board has agreed the date and time of the online AGM for 2024, on 30 April and at 6.00pm (NB: proceedings start at 5.30pm) – with registration and proxy voting for eligible members (strongly encouraged) to open soon.

… I would encourage members of all categories to attend this critical moment in our annual governance…

IHBC Chair David McDonald said: ‘I’m delighted to be able to chair this IHBC AGM, not least as we have had another successful year, with lots of formal and informal business updates to explore.’

‘Like last year too, the AGM gives members the opportunity to put questions to IHBC officers and staff about what we’ve achieved and challenges for the year ahead including progress in our investigations about chartership. There will also be the opportunity to hear all about this year’s Annual School in Reading.’

‘I would encourage members of all categories to attend this critical moment in our annual governance, which is especially accessible as an online event’.

Lydia Porter, IHBC Company Secretary, writes:

The IHBC will hold its next Annual General Meeting (AGM) online at 6.00pm on 30 April 2024. It is open to IHBC members in ANY membership category, is free, and may count towards IHBC CPD hours.

The AGM will be preceded by a short presentation and discussion from 5.30pm, on a topic linked to the IHBC’s 2024 Annual School, #IHBCReading2024, in Reading Berkshire, from 13-15 June (Day School 14 June and including the IHBC Heritage MarketPlace:LIVE on 12 June (open to all).

Business for an IHBC AGM includes:

  • Apologies
  • Adoption of the Minutes of the previous (2023) AGM
  • Adoption of the Annual Report (the year ending 30 September 2022)
  • Appointment of Independent Examiners
  • Appointment of new trustees and directors.
  • Also, this year we will present a Resolution supported by the Board for consideration by members to further explore the Petition for Charter, with formal details to be sent to all members in the coming weeks.

We will review the draft Resolution as part of the agenda at the coming Council meeting, on 27 February, with attendance there also strongly encouraged.

Following the formal business of the AGM there will be an opportunity to raise, discuss and explore current issues of interest to members with officers and members.

Full programme details and papers will be circulated closer to the date.


  • The IHBC’s Annual General Meeting is open exclusively to IHBC members
  • IHBC members of ALL categories are encouraged to attend.
  • Voting at the Annual General Meeting is open ONLY to Full, Associate and Retired IHBC members. Affiliates and Supporters do not have votes, but are encouraged to attend the entire programme
  • Attendance at the IHBC’s formal meetings, such as General Meetings, AGMs and Council, is recognised as IHBC CPD.

Given the strategic importance of our business to conservation practice in the UK, IHBC CPD certificates will be available to attendees.

See more on IHBC AGMs HERE

See more on the IHBC’s next Council – open to all members – and sign up, HERE

See the #IHBCReading2024 Reading School homepage reading2024.ihbc.org.uk

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