All categories of IHBC members – Supporters, Affiliates, Associates and Full Members – are invited to join the IHBC’s next free online Council for topical high-level CPD on political engagement alongside the IHBC’s planned AGM discussions on a Charter.
REGISTER for IHBC Council attendance (All members welcome)
Lessons in the machinery of central government
Wednesday 27 February 2024 at 4pm
Promoting our CREATIVE Conservation Fund
The IHBC writes:
The theme of the Council is ‘Heritage and conservation: Lessons in the machinery of central government’, exploring engagement with government and politicians in England and Scotland.
Lizzie Glithero-West Chief Executive of The Heritage Alliance & Ailsa Macfarlane Director of the Built Environment Forum Scotland (BEFS) will talk about their often contrasting experiences of discussion with government and political parties in England & Scotland. The IHBC itself will look forward to changes in its future political engagement.
Alongside this parliamentary focus Council will be offered the chance to review the draft resolution proposed for the 2024 AGM on the next step in IHBC’s exploration of a Charter.
Mike Brown, Chair of Council and IHBC President, urging all IHBC members to join in, said: ‘As we all know 2024 is highly likely to see a General Election across the UK and, while the IHBC is strictly politically neutral, it is always of interest to hear what heritage policies the various political parties might propose in their manifestos.’
‘The Heritage Alliance and Built Environment Forum Scotland have been talking to the main parties in England and Scotland about this and some of it has been encouraging. Lizzie and Ailsa, representing these organisations, have kindly agreed to talk at our Council to all our members about these matters, and perhaps we will get a hint or two about where our politicians are when it comes to our heritage.’
‘This is a golden opportunity for members to be in the picture on issues vital to our profession and I encourage you all to log in and take part.
‘There will also be a deep briefing from David McDonald, our chair, on the latest on progress towards the Charter and the resolution to be put before the AGM in April. Here’s a further chance to ask any last questions you may still have before that critical vote on our future.’
‘A packed agenda covering key issues that will affect us and our profession for years to come. Do join us!’
REGISTER for IHBC Council attendance on Tuesday 27 February 2024 at 4pm
IHBC’s Council is the IHBC’s inclusive advisory and training body, open to all IHBC members. All members can join in shaping our activities and plans, as we widen further the involvement of our members in the IHBC’s future as well as offering training.
See more details on IHBC’s Council including previous minutes and content HERE
This is a free event promoting our CREATIVE Conservation Fund
IHBC’s CCF – helping us generate, manage and distribute funds EXCLUSIVELY to deserving causes in conservation.