IHBC’s heritage business register HESPR – our Historic Environment Service Providers Recognition quality assurance scheme for heritage services – emails members weekly ‘News and Tender Alerts’, and this week features Building on Henley Halebrown ‘…genuinely interested in how people use buildings’.
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Ben Flatman interviews Simon Henley and Gavin Hale-Brown for Building:
…. We often forget that the origins of many successful architectural practices lie in happenstance – a fortunate coincidence or shared formative experience. For Simon Henley and Gavin Hale-Brown, founding principals of award-winning Henley Halebrown, who have been working together for almost three decades, this moment was their meeting at Liverpool School of Architecture in the mid-1980s. It was a time when Liverpool was on its knees, but full of latent opportunity, and… opening up, especially internationally…
For a free promotion of your tendering opportunities and work needs to the IHBC’s HESPR members, please send details and links to Joanna at contact@ihbc.org.uk, as soon as possible.
Tenders can also be advertised for a fee with IHBC Jobs etc, including a targeted email to 2500+ recipients as well as full coverage on our NewsBlog alerts and social platforms (membership and followers c.25,000) and websites with c. 250,000 visits a month. Contact Joanna at contact@ihbc.org.uk