The IHBC is delighted to offer free entry for our members to the Listed Property Owners Club’s (LPOC) annual London Listed Property Show, on 2-3 February in London’s Olympia (pre-booking essential).
… leading suppliers and tradesmen….Practical demonstrations…
Booking Arrangements: To attend free, IHBC Members must email IN ADVANCE OF THE SHOW, giving their name, address, email, phone number and IHBC Membership Number. NB: Tickets will be sent in the post. |
IHBC Director Seán O’Reilly said: ‘We’re delighted to be contributing to the 2024 London Property Show, especially as our partnership since 2018 has proved so very popular with members and the wider public.’
‘The 2024 Show offers another great opportunity for IHBC volunteers, members and staff to get together with the a huge range of client and specialist interests in traditional and historic buildings and places.’
LPOC and The Listed Property Show writes:
The Listed Property Show is an event where you can gather more information and expert advice in two days than you can through months of personal research! We’ve brought together the industry’s best, all under one roof, to save you money, time and stress.
- Independent Conservation Officers for stress-free one-to-one conversations.
- Over 150 of the country’s leading suppliers and tradesmen for listed buildings work.
- New for 2024: Extending your listed property feature and guide. A detailed feature on how to extend your listed property.
- Conservation architects and caring builders.
- Meet with The Listed Property Owners’ Club experts and gather information about buying, unauthorised works by previous owners, surveyance, VAT, grants, maintenance, mortgages, insurance and law.
- New for 2024: Listed & Modern feature, awards and their architects. A gallery of the listed and modern awards finalists. Find inspiration from exciting, innovative, inspirational and award-winning extensions and remodelling to listed buildings.
- Practical demonstrations including plaster and lead work, window restoration, lime mortar, master carvers, brickwork and decorating.
- Advice on hypothetical plans to alter your building.
- Exclusive “Ask the Experts Panel” of leading industry professionals.
- A full interactive lecture programme with 2 theatres covering subjects such as damp, surveys, lime, planning and listed building consent, house history, maintenance plus a separate dedicated theatre on energy efficiency.
- New for 2024: Energy Efficiency Feature, guide and dedicated talks theatre, focusing on the challenges and solutions of sensitively retrofitting your listed property. There will be an Ask the Experts Panel on hand to answer your questions. Leading professionals will share their experience and expertise on affordable, effective and sustainable ways to balance energy conservation and building conservation.
- Specific advice and expertise for the owners or managers of flats/apartments within a listed building, including management companies, and commercial listed buildings.
- A feature showcasing properties for sale around the UK in need of restoration, repair and care.
- Historic England will be at the show to help and advise owners