The third issue of the new IHBC Research for Practice Digest has been issued to key networks and subscribers – sign up HERE – with this issue featuring a profile Ataa Alsalloum and her work at the Liverpool School of Architecture and noting John Fidler’s role as the IHBC’s Student Award judge this year.
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Research for Practice Digest
The IHBC writes:
Welcome to the IHBC’s third issue of its Research for Practice Digest. We’ve added a new regular feature where we highlight a sector researcher making significant contributions to professional practice.
For this issue we spotlight Ataa Alsalloum, based at the Liverpool School of Architecture, and her work on safeguarding transplanted and indigenous intangible cultural heritage. The project, contributing to ongoing work led by ICOMOS-UK and Historic England, aims to highlight the challenges involved in identifying and defining migrated, resettled, and indigenous Intangible Cultural Heritage in the UK. More information, including a fascinating full-feature video, can be found on the transcultural heritage website.
In addition to delivering the IHBC Recognised Course Sustainable Heritage Management MA, Ataa’s other recent projects include work on Uprooted Syrian Heritage Resettled in the UK, Analyzing the morphology of historic buildings using photogrammetry in Tripoli, Lebanon, and research demonstrating the role of VR and AR in preserving spatial and visual identities of heritage sites using Palmyra as a case study.
We welcome links to heritage research that we might include in our next edition. Please send any suggestions to Michael Netter, IHBC Professional Services Officer, at
Heritage Research & Professional Practice – Research and Guidance
Research Awards, Programmes, Funding
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Additional Digest sections include:
- Calls for Papers, Abstracts & Researchers
- Broader Context Research & News
See the Digest in full, including links
If you would like to see the full Digest and to sign up to either service please CLICK HERE