IHBC’s Petition for Charter survey update: Still time to add your thoughts to our #IHBCPetitionforCharter initiative

David Williams, IHBC’s independent consultant on the investigation of a Petition for Charter – #IHBCPetitionforCharter – has compiled a member survey to ‘gather initial thoughts from members and stakeholders’, asking especially for ‘frank…comments’ on behalf of both.

…consultations to gather initial thoughts from members and stakeholders on possible options and impacts…

David Williams writes:

The IHBC is investigating the costs and benefits of securing chartered status and is carrying out consultations to gather initial thoughts from members and stakeholders on possible options and impacts.

We would be delighted if you could spend a few minutes answering the questions in this short survey for IHBC Members. Please be frank.  Constructive comments are always welcome as they will help us as we explore the ‘path to charter’.

For more information on chartering here is the link to our bespoke Petition for Charter page on the website.

David Williams, Creative Help Ltd, david@creativehelp.org


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