The IHBC’s South East (SE) Branch has piloted an event to encourage members and stakeholders to ‘Have your Say’ – with topical CPD followed by a presentation & focus groups on petitioning – while the IHBC Petition for Charter web resource offers funds for Branch events.
… Funding is available for Branch events…. on the #IHBCPetitionforCharter…
IHBC Director Seán O’Reilly said: ‘We’re delighted our SE Branch has led the way here, exploring a model Branch event to gather and inform members, and to raise awareness and understanding of the IHBC’s exploration of a petition for charter.
‘Funding is available for Branch events that include engagement with members on the #IHBCPetitionforCharter discussions on our dedicated web site HERE. And if you’d like to find out more detail please contact the IHBC’s National Office or Jude Wheeler – who’s leading Branch and volunteer support on this, at’.
Mike Brown, IHBC President said, ‘Many thanks to all the Branches thus far who have invited David McDonald, Lone Le Vay and myself to attend their meetings and present the issues relating to the Petiton for Charter. It’s been great to talk to you all and hear your ideas.’
‘The workshop format used by South East branch was particularly useful and stimulating. Thus far the reaction to the idea has been positive but, clearly we have a long way to go before we can be confident of its success.’
‘So, may I once again appeal to our various Branches across the UK to send us an invitation to your next meeting so that we can have a proper debate on this, a key issue relating to the IHBC’s future.’
Lone Le Vay, Branch Treasurer and IHBC Vice Chair said: ‘I was very encouraged by our Petition for Charter event. It prompted some engaging discussion which will help guide the Institute in its ongoing work on potential chartership of our Institute.’
‘Hopefully the format – based on a series of focus group discussions reporting back to the whole meeting – will provide a useful model to help other Branches to engage with the consultation process.’
Jude Wheeler, Branch Liaison & Volunteer Support Officer, said: ‘I was heartened by the depth of engagement of IHBC members who attended this in-person consultation arranged by the South East Branch.’
‘After an opening CPD presentation by IHBC Trustee and South-East Branch Chair Jo Saady, on ‘Real life cases of Retrofit’, an introduction to IHBC petitioning and chartering by the IHBC President followed. Thls spurred dynamic sector group discussions focussed on five areas with issues expertly informed – where possible – by officers, following which the meeting noted its enthusiasm for the initiative.’
‘I would like to thank the South East Branch for inviting me to the event. This helps me advise any IHBC Branches or volunteer initiatives on planning future #IHBCpetitionforcharter explorations, including applications for funding.’
IHBC SE Branch writes:
16:30 – 16:45: Welcome and Refreshments
16:45 – 17:15: ‘Real life cases of Retrofit in Heritage Buildings’
17:15 – 17:35: Introduction to IHBC’s proposal to petition for a Royal Charter
17:35 – 18:00: Focus group discussions on Charter proposals
18:00 – 18:30: Focus Group report back and General Q&A Session
18:30: Finish and adjournment to local hostelry for networking
Heather Hall, IHBC SE Branch Secretary, writes:
…Those booking places will be asked in indicate their preferred focus group as listed below. This will help inform the group discussions, each group who will feed back to the whole session leading to a wider discussion and Q&A session.
- Career starters
- Specialist skills and trades
- Academics
- Regulatory (LPA Conservation specialists)
- Practitioners (Consultants)
- Site owners/managers
- Other
We will try and honour group preferences as best we can but will need to balance groups in terms of numbers.
See more event details at Eventbrite
See more background to the programme at, including links to ‘Projects’ as well as to: