The IHBC’s revised pilot format for the ‘All welcome’, open-access and free MarketPlace:LIVE – supporting Swansea 2023 – was well received by visitors, and with some 25% responding to the feedback and all but one valuing it as Good to Very Good, confirming the potential of its innovative format for the IHBC’s learning and outreach goals.
… The breakout format worked well and the support from IHBC was good…
IHBC Director Seán O’Reilly said: ‘While the attendance was lower than either booked or hoped for – largely due to the weather, we concluded – the important point was the positive reception by the visiting participants and popular Zoom Room hosts.
‘This confirms that the model can address a clear need across members and our networks.’
‘With the new policy of ‘All welcome’, the service is also a critical part of our outreach to key stakeholders less familiar with the IHBC’s work and standards.’
‘Indeed that accessible-first approach in the MarketPlace:LIVE is an essential thread both in raising the IHBC’s impact across our charitable objects, and re-affirming our public interest priorities, a fundamental issue in any discussions around chartering.’
What did you enjoy or benefit from most about the event?
- Meeting people in the breakout rooms
- The chance to speak to professionals in the field from a student’s experience
- Simply the fact that it was online and accessible
- Great learning experience for me – loving it!
- The breakout format worked well and the support from IHBC was good
What did you enjoy or benefit from least about the event?
- Inability to get round all the groups because they were all happening at the same time.
- People coming and going, but I suppose that was the purpose of it.
- The happy hour was happy, a bit of a ramble but still interesting
Which room format [of 2] did you like most?
- Topic Talks
- Drop in
Which room or session did you like most?
- Historic Environment Scotland (HES) (various respondants)
- Historic England
- I enjoyed them all but CAHP was great
What did you like most about the Happy Hour with the IHBC?
- Seeing old friends
- Active participation
- A chance for a frank and open chat
- Ability to raise points of concern about retrofit and how it is progressing
What did you like least about the Happy Hour with the IHBC?
- Lack of focus but that is what happy hour is about
- Not enough time!
- Open discussion
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See more on the MarketPlace:LIVE