The fourth virtual meeting of Council, the IHBC’s inclusive advisory and training body open to all members, included the first election under our 2020 Articles of the IHBC’s President, as Mike Brown is appointed while the Vice President role remains open.
… I hope to meet as many members as possible…
New President Mike Brown said, ‘I’d like to thank the members of Council at our last meeting for their support in electing me as the IHBC’s President. It really is a great honour to serve the institute in this way.’
‘My term of office is for two years during which time I hope to meet as many members as possible to hear your ideas and help develop the institute, not the least of which will be exploring together our potential to become a chartered body’.
Mike went on to say, ‘It is a pity that we were unable to elect a Vice President at the same time as this would have greatly strengthened the work of the institute and allow proper succession planning.
‘Remember, the President and Vice President are not trustees or directors of the institute, our responsibilities are directly related to the membership – either through training or representation through Council. So, if any member feels willing to join the team and stand as Vice President, please get in touch for a chat at president@ihbc.org.uk.’
The next Council meeting will be on 23rd February 2023 – put it in your diary to join in.
See more details on the IHBC Council HERE
See more on the election of the IHBC President HERE