Following the IHBC’s first Council under its new constitution, on 26 March 2021, IHBC President and meeting chair Mike Brown extended his thanks to all contributors while renewing a call to members to help shape the Institute’s forward planning, notably on the operation of Council roles and on IHBC chartering, with initial responses to Mike due by 16 April.
… keen that all members make their voices heard…
Mike Brown said: ‘Following the very interesting and stimulating conversation at our first new Council on Friday about Charterdom, I am keen that all members make their voices heard on this important proposal. Obviously, those members who were unable to log on to Council will not have heard that discussion but minutes will be published shortly.’
… much detail has yet to be worked up…
‘Those minutes will outline the case for and against but, to be clear, much detail has yet to be worked up. So this is just an outline proposal at this stage, ‘to investigate further’! We can change our mind at any stage leading up to a formal resolution at a future AGM.
… consider your thoughts on Charterdom…
‘Charterdom would be the most important change for the IHBC since we became an Institute in 1997 and, before we embark on our journey, it is important that trustees and officers are confident that it is what you, the members, want.’
‘Please take a moment to catch-up on the debate so far and consider your thoughts on Charterdom and then pen me a line at’
‘Please let us have any comments by 16 April 2021. We look forward to hearing from you.’
…‘Quick pitches’ on the IHBC as a resource for new members…
… President’s Presentation: Chartering…
IHBC’s Council programme for 26 March included:
- Welcome and introduction by the Council Chair and IHBC President Mike Brown
- The IHBC’s Council – A new governance body for the IHBC
- Scope and role of Council: Including especially Branch links
- Development of new governance and byelaws
- Representation and delegation
- Maintaining continuity
- ‘Quick pitches’ on the IHBC as a resource for new members: A few new members have agreed to tell delegates about what it was that made the IHBC their particular choice for professional and specialist support, and what they want from the IHBC to help in the future. They have 3 minutes each to make their own personal ‘quick pitch’ to shape the future of the IHBC considering both what attracted then to the IHBC as well as the wider draw of the IHBC for new members.
- Quick pitches were led by Poppy Crooks, Frances Swanston, Ian Tan and Emilie Wales, though Laabiyah Iqbal had to send her apologies.
- These were followed by discussion and an open call for suggestions from ALL attendees
- President’s Presentation: Chartering, an introduction and call for feedback
See more background HERE