The IHBC’s Council – its Board – has agreed to hold the Institute’s 2020 AGM on 3 December as an online, ‘virtual’ event, with voting planned on the new Corporate Plan (‘CP25’) and on modernising governance though the proposed new ‘Articles’, all with more details to come, including arrangements for the postponed Council+ programme.
…we shouldn’t let the pandemic derail our broader programme of AGM business…
IHBC Chair David McDonald said: ‘The Board was of course disappointed that already we had to postpone the AGM, and lose the huge benefits of in-person meeting. However it was clear that we shouldn’t let the pandemic derail our broader programme of AGM business any longer, in particular the structural developments around our new Corporate Plan and governance, in the ‘Articles’ of our new constitution. So trustees agreed a virtual AGM on 3 December as the best solution.’
‘This should is even more inclusive, even if less personally engaging, as we can use the digital skills and lessons gained for our 2020 Virtual School. And we can really focus on the formal business of the AGM – unrushed at the end of a long Day School – which will be especially valuable this year as we have the most substantial corporate business since our inception.’
‘Not only will we promote to members our forward strategy, the Corporate Plan 2020-25 (‘CP25’), but we will also bring forward our new ‘Articles’, marking the modernisation of our constitution and governance we committed to at our 2019 AGM.
‘More details will come soon, but for now, especially if you are interested in the details of how the IHBC is to move forward, please get the 3 December date in your diary and get engaged so you can help us in our next steps.’
…IHBC’s National Office has been tasked with developing a programme of awareness-raising and engagement for members…
IHBC President Mike Brown, who will Chair the 2020 AGM, said: ‘After a long period of review and deliberation, I am delighted that we are now ready to recast our governance – through new ‘Articles’ – in line with the plan agreed at the 2019 AGM, the ‘Proposal for future governance of the Institute’.’
‘We have had a huge amount of invaluable help from our legal advisers in drawing up the new ‘Articles’. I am exceptionally pleased to confirm that these reflect not only the specific terms of those ‘Proposals…’ from 2019, but also their spirit, and that of the ‘IHBC+’ programme that inspired them.’
IHBC Secretary Jo Evans said: ‘While voting rights at our AGMs currently are held only by Full Members – including retired members – we encourage members of all categories, including both Associates and also Affiliates, to attend this important moment in our history.
Voting can take place either by proxy in advance – as we offered for the 2019 AGM – or online on the day. And while an online format is less familiar, our ‘virtual event’ platform means that we can document all votes on the day, so it is even more secure, and more inclusive, than our traditional meetings.’
‘At the same time, while we can offer clarifications on the content on the day as needed, as this is an AGM we will not be able to make any changes.’
‘Whether you vote on 3 December at the AGM or, by proxy, in the weeks before, please be sure to keep an eye out on our NewsBlogs for updates on the more detailed processes and arrangements, join in the process, and help us shape the future of conservation practice.’
IHBC Vice Chair Lone le Vay said: ‘As we now know that the AGM will be online, the IHBC’s National Office has been tasked with developing a programme of awareness-raising and engagement for members of all categories.’
‘And of course we all look forward to the re-scheduled Council+ meeting on 2021 too. We will detail that programme through our NewsBlogs as usual, and we can also look ahead to our 2021 School, fully focussed on Brighton as we had originally planned for 2020.’
IHBC Director Seán O’Reilly said: ‘It will take time for the new Articles and linked governance to make a difference to our day-to-day operations, so for most members the more immediate impact from a successful AGM will be tied to any adoption of ‘CP25’, our new Corporate Plan 2020-25.’
…so much follows on logically from our earlier plans…
‘Like the new ’Articles’, our ‘CP25’ is the outcome of extensive consultation and development. You can review that background on our NewsBlog launch and review progress there too. Members seemed very content with the proposals. This is not surprising as so much follows on logically from our earlier plans.’
‘In the end all that we needed to do following the earlier consultations was to tighten up the targets and focus and update on more recent developments. The most notable change to the original was the addition of a new introductory paragraph to set the Plan in the context of our current pandemic. Interestingly, trustees agreed this because, when we looked at the potential impacts of the pandemic in detail, even they did not change plan’s fundamentals. That in itself is surely the strongest possible sign of its inherently robust nature. With that in mind, and a a few other minor modifications, trustees agreed to bring this revised plan to members for approval in December, all subject to any final adjustments in these last months.’
See more on Governance
See the Articles as proposed to the AGM HERE
See the current draft of ‘CP25’
See the NewsBlog launch of the consultation on the Articles HERE
Search for background updates on progress in Membership Matters, formerly the IHBC’s Membership Update
See the NewsBlog update on the IHBC’s 2019 AGM
See the ‘Proposal for future governance of the Institute’ adopted at the 2019 AGM, which forms the basis for the Articles being proposed for adoption at the 2020 AGM.
See more background on our corporate planning on our Corporate Papers web pages, and the ‘Business Papers’ tab
See more background to CP25 on the NewsBlogs