image for illustration: Charterhouse by Stuart Taylor, CC BY-SA 2.0
IHBC’s next free online Council CPD, exclusive to all IHBC members, will take place on 24 March as a blended event from London’s Charterhouse, welcoming our Vice President Rebecca Thompson as next President, thanking Mike Brown as he takes the role of Immediate Past President, plus top-notch CPD (Asset Management), all in our first blended Council.
The IHBC writes:
On 24 March the IHBC will host its first blended Council, with invited delegates including Council’s Branch Representatives, at London’s Charterhouse, where delegates can welcome our next President, our current Vice President, Rebecca Thompson.
IHBC Branches will have the chance to send their own in person delegates – contact Fiona Newton for details – and with virtual attendance open to all members.
The March Council will include new appointments in line with our evolving Council protocol, with multiple posts open for IHBC Vice Presidents as, potentially, future Presidents. Accredited members are asked to consider if they might come forward for such posts before the formal call for nominations is issued.
IHBC Vice Presidents: Early Notice on Call for Nominations
Nominees for up to four IHBC Vice President posts are asked to submit to admin@ihbc.org.uk an expression of interest and a description of their vision to taking on this role.
Open to midnight, Monday 24 February.
IHBC’s Council is the IHBC’s inclusive advisory and training body, open to all IHBC members. All members can join in shaping our activities and plans, as we underpin the involvement of our members in the IHBC’s future through consultation and training. See more details on IHBC’s Council including previous minutes and content HERE
See more background on IHBC Vice President Rebecca Thompson