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A total of £7.7 million has been awarded to the first 3 winning organisations in the Whole House Retrofit competition.
GOV.UK writes:
In Summer 2019, the government published a summary of responses to the call for evidence on building a market for energy which laid out the barriers to energy efficiency uptake in the UK. Important amongst these was the deterrent posed by the high upfront cost of significant improvements in energy efficiency.
The aim of the programme is to demonstrate cost reduction in the whole-house approach to retrofitting through economies of scale and scope. The 3 projects will seek to achieve reductions in the cost of retrofitting of between 5-20% across a range of building types, with each retrofitted property delivering an energy performance of at most 30 kWh/m2/yr. A total of more than 300 houses will be retrofitted.
The Whole House Retrofit competition is closed for new applications. Details of the competition’s aims and objectives can be found in the competition guidance.