image for illustration: All Saints parish church, Winterton by Chris Morgan, CC BY-SA 2.0
With a tower dating back almost to the Norman conquest and the majority of the church standing since the 13th century (13C), a reordering and renovation project at All Saints Winterton in Lincolnshire was going to be a major project, reports The Church of England (CoE).
The Church of England writes:
The National Lottery Heritage Fund stepped in twice to help the church with grants worth £996,000 in total – towards a £1.8 million project including a modern extension housing a commercial grade kitchen and toilets. In the church interior, the funds covered repair, reordering and conservation work, including installing a level stone floor with under floor heating. There were also repairs made to the church tower.
Thanks to this work the church, in the centre of the town, is now a popular venue for community activities as well as worship. In an area with some deprivation, it hosts a community kitchen with three meals a week offered on a pay as you can afford basis. It is also used for concerts, a community choir, an annual beer festival, a Christmas fair and recitals throughout the year as well as being hired by local groups and individuals.
Treasurer Robin Shawyer said the National Lottery Heritage Fund had been ‘incredibly helpful’ during the 15-year project. The church had more than 9,000 visitors last year for church services and community events.
‘The National Lottery Heritage Fund were incredibly helpful from the start and very accommodating and remained so all the way through. The Diocese was also extremely supportive and gave us much encouragement,’ he said.