TCPA on ‘Health, hope and prosperity: a vision for healthy new towns’

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‘Health, hope and prosperity‘ is a publication from the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) that sets out the high-level preconditions necessary to create a healthy new town.

TCPA writes:

In response to the government’s proposal for the next generation of New Towns, the TCPA have published ‘Health, hope and prosperity’ which sets out the high-level preconditions necessary to create a healthy new town and reflects on some of the key lessons that need to inform future thinking. This briefing outlines the kind of vision for healthy places that will be vital to securing high quality outcomes in new towns. It touches on some of the key lessons from the past New Towns programme and preconditions for future success. The golden thread of this work is to explore the relationship between Garden City vision and the post-war New Towns delivery model to demonstrate how visionary outcomes can be made practically deliverable.

‘Our vision is for a new community where everyone can thrive – economically, socially and environmentally, where all basic needs to secure physical, mental and social wellbeing are met, where people have real agency over their lives and where the other diverse artistic, cultural and spiritual needs of human beings, the things that which make life worth living, are enabled.’ 

Read more….

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