IHBC features ‘Heritage from the global doorstep’: PlaceEconomics’ White Paper ‘Response to the YIMBY… pro-development… for de-regulation to promote housing…’

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American heritage consultancy PlaceEconomics, with economist Donovan Rypkema as its Principal, has issued a data-based response to the US YIMBY movement making the case that ‘YIMBYISM is a pro-development movement that advocates for de-regulation to promote housing production.’

… We at PlaceEconomics think YIMBYs are wrong philosophically, but we know they are wrong factually…

PlaceEconomics writes:

In recent years the YIMBY movement has targeted historic districts in their drive to weaken local land use provisions and allow developers to build ever taller condo buildings, using the pretext of adding affordable housing. But in that process, they have misrepresented the character of historic districts. We at PlaceEconomics think YIMBYs are wrong philosophically, but we know they are wrong factually.

In response to the YIMBY attacks on preservation we have written a data-based response. If you are interested, you can download our white paper here. You are welcome to share this with preservation advocates, elected officials or whomever else you think might find it useful.

Thanks for your commitment to your community and the values that its historic resources represent.

Across the country, cities are grappling with dramatically high housing costs and seeking answers to provide affordable housing for residents of all incomes. In recent years, the YIMBY movement has gained speed as one possible solution, advocating for deregulation and a developer-driven approach to housing production. As a land use tool that regulates development, historic preservation has become a target of YIMBYism in some cities. The accusation that preservationists are reactionary, NIMBYist, or anti-development is not new. However, the YIMBY argument, with its specific focus on removing all barriers to development in pursuit of affordable housing, requires a direct response. This paper outlines the YIMBY movement’s philosophy and makes the evidence based case in response to the YIMBY attack on historic preservation.

Read more….

See the White Paper HERE

See more on PlaceEconomics

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