IHBC’s heritage business register HESPR – our Historic Environment Service Providers Recognition quality assurance scheme for heritage services – emails members weekly ‘News and Tender Alerts’, and this week’s special news features The Oxford Clarion on ‘what would be Oxfordshire’s biggest ever single development.
The Oxford Clarion writes:
A plan for 6,000 new homes on a former airfield has been submitted in what would be Oxfordshire’s biggest ever single development.
Upper Heyford air base… was speculatively acquired by housebuilder Dorchester in 2009. They have since built on part of the site… and would create a town larger than Wallingford, Henley or Thame….
The former air base is a mass of runways, hangars, former airforce buildings and grassland.. it’s even designated as a Conservation Area…..
For a free promotion of your tendering opportunities and work needs to the IHBC’s HESPR members, please send details and links to Joanna at contact@ihbc.org.uk, as soon as possible.
Tenders can also be advertised for a fee with IHBC Jobs etc, including a targeted email to 2500+ recipients as well as full coverage on our NewsBlog alerts and social platforms (membership and followers c.25,000) and websites with c. 250,000 visits a month. Contact Joanna at contact@ihbc.org.uk