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The Oxford Resilient Buildings and Landscapes (OXRBL) group is seeks input to a short (15-20 minute) survey on the opportunities and challenges of nature-based activities, practices and interventions in the historic built environment.
OXRBL group writes:
This survey should take around 15-20 minutes. The aim of this survey is to help us better understand the different perceptions, opportunities and challenges faced when managing and conserving nature in the historic built environment, by which we mean buildings, ruins and other kinds of physical assets and their wider setting. We also want to collate an open-access database of UK examples and case studies of nature-based activities, practices and interventions already being used in the historic built environment to demonstrate their diversity, motivations and benefits. This will help establish an evidence base for wider uptake and learning through shared experience.
The survey is split into sections, and you will be asked to complete some or all of these depending on the answers you give. No background knowledge is required. Please read through this information before agreeing to participate (if you wish to) by ticking the ‘yes’ box below. The Principal Researcher is Dr Martin Coombes, who is attached to the School of Geography and the Environment at the University of Oxford. This research is being completed under the supervision of Prof. Heather Viles and in collaboration with Dr Martin Michette. You may ask any questions before deciding to take part using the contact details below. You must be 18 or over to participate in this survey.
See more on OxRBL