Official Statistics in development on skills shortages and skills gaps in the DCMS sectors and sub-sectors for 2022, based on the Department for Education’s Employer Skills Survey.
… skill shortage vacancies in DCMS Sectors is 9.7%, in line with All Sectors…
DCMS writes:
… Headline Findings
Skill shortage vacancies – hard to fill vacancies due to skill shortages
- The incidence of skill shortage vacancies in DCMS Sectors is 9.7%, in line with All Sectors (9.8%). Creative industries (7.2%) and the cultural sector (6.8%) have a lower proportion of skills shortage vacancies than All Sectors, although there are some sub-sectoral differences e.g. a higher proportion in the operation of historical sites and similar visitor attractions (17.9%).
- 4% of all vacancies in DCMS Sectors are attributed to skills shortages, lower than 35.5% for All Sectors. Creative industries (33%), tourism industries (30.6%), the cultural sector (30%) and gambling (18.5%) have lower skill shortage vacancy density than All Sectors, while this is higher for sport (41.2%).
Skill gaps – within the workforce
- The skills gaps incidence of DCMS Sector business is 15.8%, in line with All Sectors (15.1%). Creative industries (10.5%) and cultural sector (11.7%) have the lowest percentage of businesses where at least one member of staff is judged to be not fully proficient in their role, and gambling sector (27.3%) has the highest.
- 4% of the DCMS Sector workforce have skills gaps, higher than All Sectors (5.7%). Compared to All Sectors, skills gaps are higher in tourism industries (8.3%) and lower in the civil society sector (4.5%). Some sub-sectors, e.g. advertising and marketing (15.3%), have higher skills gap density than All Sectors.
About this release
This release is an Official Statistic in Development used to provide an estimate of skills shortages and skills gaps in the DCMS sectors.
This is the second publication of these statistics and covers the year 2022 (the most recently available data from the Department for Education’s Employer Skills Survey). These statistics cover the whole of the UK (England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland) and are therefore not directly comparable to the 2019 estimates previously published which excluded Scotland. Estimates for 2022 excluding Scotland have been provided in the data tables to allow for some comparison.
Estimates are provided for DCMS sectors, sub-sectors and the Audio Visual sector. Breakdowns are provided by region but disclosure control is applied where sample sizes were too low. The DCMS sectors are:
- Civil Society
- Creative Industries
- Cultural Sector
- Gambling
- Sport
- Tourism