After almost 4 years with the Victorian Society, Joe O’Donnell has moved on from his role as Director to focus on project managing the restoration of his new home.
The Victorian Society writes:
Professor Hilary J Grainger OBE, Chair, on behalf of the Board of Trustees said,
“We would like to thank Joe for his hard work and dedication to the Victorian Society during his time, and we – as we are sure you all do – wish him the very best in his future endeavours.”
Joe O’Donnell said: ‘I have really enjoyed my time leading the Victorian Society through a period of significant change. Highlights include leading the campaign to fight the monstrous proposals at Liverpool Street Station and overseeing the establishment of the Young Victorians. I hope the work which is about to reach fruition on the Society’s new brand and website will put the Society in an excellent position to go from strength to strength in the coming years. My deep thanks to all the staff, volunteers and our wonderful President Griff Rhys Jones that have made all this possible’.