While the detailed interrogation of the first ‘scoping’ survey on the IHBC’s Petition for Charter awaits our consultant’s review, the exercise is already helping shape our corporate planning priorities, as members’ thoughts on our future are still eagerly sought HERE, regardless of charter sentiments.
See the FAQs
Explore the web hub for #IHBCPetitionforCharter
IHBC Chair David and President Mike Brown said: ‘Thanks to all who’ve responded to the survey so far, and hopefully our recently posted first FAQ responses have helped. Obviously we’re hearing from only a small selection, so if you’ve not sent thoughts in, we’re still very keen to hear them.’
‘And please remember too that we’re exploring the widest future of the IHBC, so the survey questions are far reaching and wide ranging.’
‘You don’t need a position on the charter to answer the survey: just let us know what you want and need, and our collective membership can decide on how best to deliver on priorities, at our AGMs, Councils and beyond!’
IHBC Director Seán O’Reilly writes: ‘As the survey is central to both our Corporate Plan commitment from 2020 and – whatever the outcome on a charter – our planning for 2030 through our next Corporate Plan (CP30), we’re keen to get in as many and as diverse thoughts as possible.’
‘We want to hear all priorities and concerns, so we can best respond. There is much to find out still.
‘So to encourage more input we’re offering a small selection of responses – not necessarily pertinent to the Petition – with many to be picked up in our forthcoming corporate planning processes.’
Sample comments and extracts for our #IHBCPetitionforCharter survey include:
Q1 Have you benefitted from your membership of IHBC?
- Helped secure job, pay rises within jobs etc
- … has been a desirable of multiple jobs. I
- Helped secure job, pay rises within jobs etc
- … recognised within Historic Building Industry, Chartered Bodies and Clients
- Training and outreach. Networking and making connections. Increase in knowledge. Pay Rise!
- … company insurance
- Having the letters IHBC after my name provides assurance that I am qualified to give an opinion on heritage and conservation issues
- … a (now) well known accreditation
- … network of friendly colleagues
- … provides a forum for public and private sector inter-disciplinary conservation professionals..
Q2 Do you think the IHBC achieves more than you would expect for a professional body given its size and fees?
- Branch contact is good, CPD opportunities are excellent
- … guidance and standards should focus more on how members should do things,
- Some of the tools included within the IHBC Toolbox are better than those produced by significantly larger organisations.
- The fee is very low. IHBC achieves a lot for such as small fee
- … still a cosy club for LPA conservation officers.
- I have high expectations, which IHBC meet
- … This is not a slur; the IHBC achieves what I would expect of a body of its size and fee level
Q 3 What do you think IHBC does well to help IHBC Members and conservation more widely?
- … having a directory of conservation-accredited practitioners.
- … really good in terms of its briefing documents and guidance notes.
- … email updates and context
- … Credibility of qualification
- … Connects members with peers to share knowledge and learning.
- … Friendly and approachable organisation
- … Providing a solid backing of professional guidance and support to often isolated members.
Q4 Can you identify any gaps in what IHBC offers to help IHBC Members and conservation more widely?
- … the IHBC needs to be very clear about the minimum standards for full membership as this will help to ensure a more consistent approach to conservation decision-making across different authorities.
- … useful if we had a stronger influence in government
- … More support to ensure those ‘not’ interested in conservation but making decisions that affect it understand the role of conservation and why its important. Councillors and ‘the’ Council…
- … There is a lack of recognition of the calibre of what the IHBC offer here
- … Could do more to promote itself to the wider construction industry
- … IHBC membership is much superior to other professional bodies and it would be great if this is formally recognised by the industry.
- … It always adopts a pro-conservation stance; it therefore provides no support for those with other views – who may do the balancing exercise and come to a different conclusion.
- … The IHBC isn’t widely known about outside of conservation circles, greater publicity would help.
Explore the web hub for #IHBCPetitionforCharter
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